Happy Birthday HFLA-SA!
Heartfelt Thank you to our Founding Fathers and Families plus our Past Presidents and Families!
Last night's HFLA-SA Founders Day event was enjoyed by so many friends and neighbors who joined together to honor our founding families, past & current board presidents & members, and all supporters.
We thank Congregation Rodfei Sholom and everyone who attended and all our supporters for making participating in HFLA-SA's Centennial Celebration Year activities and events a priority in their lives. Your ongoing concern for others experiencing financial challenges, pursuing higher education, or just needing a temporary hand-up make it possible for us to be San Antonio's go-to resource for 0%-no fee loans.
Members of our Founding Families & past presidents received one of the commemorative sashes that recently adorned our founders' graves at local cemeteries.
Thank you again!
