It would really be great to see you and your family at Hebrew Free Loan Assn-SA's Founders Day Kosher Dessert Reception next Thursday evening.
We will salute our founders whose actions in 1924 created the means to help thousands of individuals and families over the past century. Founding families and past Presidents will be honored at our Founders Day Reception, July 18th, 2024, at 7:00 PM, Congregation Rodfei Sholom.
Founders' gravesites in Rodfei Sholom's and Agudas Achim's cemeteries were draped with commemorative sashes, and a video with historical and contemporary photos, documents and testimonials will be displayed at the reception. Each Founding Family will be honored with a Founding Family commemorative sash during the reception.
Please RSVP to let us know you and your family will be attending, https://www.hfla-sa.org/event-details/hfla-sa-founders-day-reception.
ALSO, PLEASE SAVE THE DATE: Sunday, December 8, 2024, HFLA-SA will conclude its Centennial celebration with a program at Congregation Agudas Achim to thank San Antonio's Jewish community for its support. Watch for details!