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"Just as they planted trees for me, I am planting so that my children and grandchildren will eat the fruit from these trees.”
Honi the Circle Maker,
1st Century BCE

HFLA-SA Participates in LIFE & LEGACY!
You can, too!
As part of the community-wide effort to guarantee the vibrancy of our Jewish community for future generations, Hebrew Free Loan Association of San Antonio participates in the LIFE & LEGACY (L & L) Program, sponsored by the Jewish Federation of San Antonio with generous support from the Harold Grinspoon Family Foundation. We thank those of you who have already made L & L commitments to HFLA-SA and all the participating Jewish organizations and synagogues in San Antonio.
We find stories in the Talmud of Honi the Circle Maker who lived in the 1st century BCE. One that resonates through the millennia is:
"One day, Honi was walking down the road and came across a man planting a carob tree. Honi asked the man, “How long will it be until this tree bears fruit?” The man replied, “Seventy years.” Honi then asked the man, “But will you live another 70 years to eat its fruit?” The man replied, “Probably not. But, my entire life I have eaten from the carob trees that my father and grandfather planted. Just as they planted trees for me, I am planting so that my children and grandchildren will eat the fruit from these trees.”
While economic conditions have changed since 1924, HFLA-SA’s mission has not. Our volunteer Board and staff remain committed to extending a financial hand-up to all local Jewish people who turn to us. Together, we continue building a stronger community . . .
Our lending capacity will be greatly increased over time because of these legacy gifts. All the dollars we lend get recycled as the interest-free loans are paid back by our borrowers. By arranging for a testamentary gift from your estate, you will be empowering HFLA-SA to help future friends and neighbors for generations to come.
We hope we can count on your commitment to help others by signing and returning a Letter of Intent naming HFLA-SA as a future beneficiary. Just as Honi the Circle Maker learned in the 1st century BCE, by including HFLA-SA in your legacy giving, you are planting the seeds that strengthen our Jewish community for every future generation.

HFLA Life & Legacy
Endowment Commitments
We would like to extend a grateful thank you to the following individuals (list in formation) who have made the choice to honor HFLA-SA with a Life & Legacy endowment gift.
Robyn Abelow, Anonymous, Ruben Bar-Yadin, Tzipora Bar-Yadin, Uri Bar-Yadin, Dr. Mel Cohen, Jared Diamond, Robin Diamond, Jessica Diric, Roger Eth, Esther Feinberg, Howard S. Feinberg, Melissa Mensch Fiero, Hinda Kanter Greenberg, Meg Grossman, Tim Grossman, Charles Gurinsky, Rhonda Gurinsky, Danna Halff, Dr. Jorge Yaacov Herszage, Michael R. Hardy, Sally Hardy, Jessica Hernandez, Joe Hernandez, Leonard Holzman, Raquel Holzman, Nehemia "Nammie" Ichilov, Mike Kelne, Beth Karen Keough, Allison Abelow Laughinghouse, Dr. Roger & Barbara Lyons, Shari Markowitz, Davora Peck, Christi Petitt, Alan Petlin, David M. Pinansky, Harriet Pinansky, Laura Zausmer Richardson, Michael Richardson, Michael Robbins, Gena Ross, Jenna Clare Ross, Barbara Scharf-Zeldes, Roberta "Rivka" Schechter, Jeff Siegel, and Allan Smith
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