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Hebrew Free Loan Association of San Antonio

is here when you need a hand-up! 

Financial challenges can leave our Jewish friends and neighbors despondent. They need not suffer alone. Economically vulnerable due to job loss, medical problems, Covid-19, temporary setbacks?  Hebrew Free Loan Association of San Antonio (HFLA-SA) is hereto lend a hand up. 


Our traditional sources enjoin us to treat those facing economic hardship with dignity: 


“If you lend money to My people, even to the poor among you , do not act toward them as a creditor; you shall not charge them interest.” – Exodus 22:24 (Parasha Mishpatim) 


“You shall not lend him your money at interest, or give him your food for profit.” – Leviticus 25:37 (Parasha Vayikra) 


HFLA-SA was established in 1924, exclusively to serve as the Jewish community's agency that provides us a path to follow this mandate. Respect, Compassion, Confidentiality are core values that guide our work with potential borrowers.   


Our goal… 

Empowering neighbors & friends to become economically self-sufficient and financially secure.  

While economic conditions have changed since 1924, HFLA-SA’s mission has not. Our volunteer Board and staff remain committed to extending a financial hand-up to all local Jewish people who turn to us. Together, we continue building a stronger community . . .



HFLA-SA provides interest-free (0%) Loans to Jewish residents of 15 counties surrounding San Antonio. 


HFLA-SA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Your tax-deductible donations support interest-free loans as well as the agency’s lean operations. 


If you need financial assistance, or to support our work, please reach out to us here.

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